I will treat all pets and wildlife in my practice with compassion and respect. I will treat all people associated with my practice with respect: my patients, my staff, my customers and my colleagues, salespeople and wildlife rehabilitators. I will never judge a client or let a client relationship impact the quality of my care for their pet. I will not talk negatively about clients to my staff, or allow my staff to do so. I will never take my frustration out on an animal by hitting or in any way assaulting them. I will never euthanize a healthy animal simply for an owner's convenience - even if the animal is old. I will regularly speak with specialists and attend continuing education to keep up with advancements in veterinary medicine. I will research the latest pain management drugs and treatments so that no pet suffers needlessly. I will treat wildlife and stray animals with the same level of care as a paying customer. I will always conduct the financial business of my practice in a lawful and ethical way.