I firmly believe most vets get into the practice of animal medicine for the right reasons. But the pressures of productivity and profitability are having a toxic effect. Are you practicing the kind of ethical, compassionate medicine you originally set-out to practice?
Join me in my commitment to transform animal medicine by adopting the Dr. Robb Protect the Pets Code of Conduct.
- Do you read the past history in the medical record before examining the animal?
- Do you make sure to request copies of all records when a client transfers to your hospital?
- Do you spend adequate time with each client/pet to do a thorough history, physical exam, and treatment and diagnostic plan?
- Do you check the teeth on all animals and recommend preventative dental care?
- Do you regularly consult with Board Certified Specialists?
- Do you regularly check ocular pressure in all animals presenting with "red eye?"
- Are you using fresh ear bulb syringes for every patient?
- Do you do a complete workup on all animals prior to any procedure requiring anesthesia?
- Do you sedate animals that resist venipuncture rather than get three techs to "hold them down?"
- Do you refer clients to other practices when an ultrasound is needed to make the diagnosis?
- Do you have 24-hour care available when you hospitalize patients overnight?
- Do you have your radiographs read by a Board Certified Radiologist?
- Do you have a CBC and chemistry analyzer on premises for critical cases?
- Do you inform clients of breed-specific diseases like dry eye in pugs and do Schiermer tear tests starting at six months of age for a baseline?
- Are you recommending junior and senior wellness panels for all of your clients and explaining the importance of preventative medicine?
- When a customer leaves your practice, do you release their medical records promptly and without unprofessional behavior?
Join me in my commitment to transform animal medicine by adopting the Dr. Robb Protect the Pets Code of Conduct.